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WICHITA FAILS RECORD NEWS Pag 10-Frl Nov 23 1951 WICHITA ruu TEXAS Radio Guide person by the farmer to the government as a fee for handling transfer of the workers to procurement centers contracts for laborers that are so unfair to the farmer" The Mexican labor agreement provides for payment of $15 per It's perfectly proper because it helps people bring their address books up-to-date But a return address is frequently even more helpful to us!" -I' ram KFDX (CBS Netware) WBAP-WFAA (ABC Nat wart) Mass (NBC Nat wart) Ste Ulacydai Or Ctaaaal HS SM Ulacralaa US Bllocrclaa Postmaster Issues Plea For Early Season Mail KTRN (Mates! Netwart) Use KUaejctas rime Friday 6 A to 6 Lab Experiment Fatal to Youth NOW PlAYINO feotwee el 7M 1:55 SB IBfltlMH TMIATSI NOW SHOWING WTe w'th WTrsa Billy Walter Bunkhaum Balladi Swap Shop Dills Boy Haws Louisa Massey Farm New Farm Editor Chapel of tu Male Boy CB'k asm Dang Cowboy Rhythms Bhythtu: Neva Jack Hunt Man About Farm FUMING OUt OF A GREAT aeroSEr KTHNWorld News lam pa Quartet Doe Warns Warren Navi HUlbUiy Hit Hawa Ooss an to crale Break fart Club' Haws: Dr Carl you Early Birds Early Birds Early Birds Nwi Smile Procram Csdar Ridas Boya WUla Johnny Lea Will Btam pa Quartat Wllay and Oena Hawa Jingle rime mil Tima Gospel Breakfast Club Old Tims Oospel Breakfast Club Back to tbs Blbis Break fast Club Bark to tbs Bible em ntf faoa -i omwaoiumiwi km CARTOON APPIP FIATURI Mexicans Quit Start Long Trek MEMPHIS Tenn Nov 22 (IP) The vanguard of a hundred or more unhappy Mexican cotton pickers straggling slowly over 100 miles of frosty roads were bedded down here today resting blistered feet A Cano Mexican consul said 25 of the workers arrived here last night from a plantation around Tlptonville where they had quit over food and bad pay" Cano added that the workers would be sent back to Mexico tomorrow "The boys" he continued the conditions at their place of employment were not good They had bad food and weren't making enough money" The rest were walking toward Memphis from the plantation of Terry Jamison at Tipton vllle Motorists passing the workers said they were a ragged tired-looking band some wrapped in blankets and all carrying their belongings in bundles or cardboard boxes Jamison had been quoted by the Memphis Commercial Appeal as saying: my part I am all through with Mexican workers and with TOO SIS ess 7:00 T1S 7:30 TjAl ss bo t'JU t43 tom 10:13 tom 10 S3 iim 11 JU 13:11 11:30 13j4S im' 1:15 1:30 1:43 Arthur Godfrey Welcome Trelare Arthur Ondfrsy Welcome Trmr'lara Arthur Godfrey Hawa: Markets Against the Storm Arthur Godfrey Life Beautiful Lons Journey Arthur Godfiey Strike It Rick A Olrl Mamas Arthur Oodfrey Btrlka It Bleb Break tbrBank Hawa and Mum Bob W'llle Junbon Break the Bank Rosemary Para Oarraway Jack Bach Warren Nrwa Red Foley Hillbilly Hits Hillbilly Hlta HUlbUiy Hits Hawa House Party Farty: Haws Houm Party Party Talk Back Ladiaihlr Fair: Hawa Quean (or a Day Queen (ora 5Sf Curt llanay Lombardo: News Bur Spotlight iffcrd Como-Btafl Claire Stewart Btewart Mirandy Quartet Pauline Frederick Our Oal Sunday Edith Hanien Aunt Jenny it surer Notes Hlin Trent aa isimmi iwiAiti NOW SHOWING! schedule the postmaster asked that citizens: (1) Stop at the post office next week to buy extra stamps they will need thus avoiding last-minute crowds When buying stamps they should bear in mind the desirability of sending cards by first-class mail The rate for unsealed cards is 2c Cards mailed this way do not rate forwarding or return services (2) Check and revise Christmas card address lists this week end Christmas cards should be purchased early addressed stamped and put away in a convenient place for mailing at the proper time (3) Lay in adequate supplies of heavy cardboard sturdy outer paper strong cord and printed fourth class labels for wrapping parcel post Packages are limited tn 70 pounds in weight and must not measure more than 100 inches in length and girth combined Repeat addresses inside the outer wrappings Insures delivery in case they are damaged in transit "Above the postmaster said address plainly and completely Give the full name house number street city zone and state And forget to write your return address on Christmas card envelopes on etiquette say Postmaster Pat Hardage opened the Yuletide Season officially Thursday when he issued his annual appeal for early mailing of Christmas greeting cards and gift -packages The postmaster expects the: greatest flood of Yuletide mail in local history He predicted itj would exceed "by a considerable I margin" the record-breaking 1950 holiday season when 3000000! pieces of mail were cancelled I "This Christmas deluge will strain post office facilities! severely" he said "But we'll get everything delivered by Christmas If the public co-operates" Christmas packages for distant states should be mailed by Dec 5 All Yuletide parcel post should be on its way by Dec 10 Christmas cards to other states should be deposited Dec 15 Greetings for Wichita Palls delivery should be mailed at least a week before Christmas Preparations to handle this Yuletide rush have already begun The post office is training extra mail clerks and carriers setting up new sorting tables hauling cut reserve mail sacks and overhauling delivery trucks Applications for Christmas work by qualified persons will receive consideration Hardage said To keep Christmas mail on Stamps Quartet Newe Mr Paymaster Cousin WUbur Noon Newe Miller Broa Man on Street Miller Brother! Newe and WaathT Murray Cos RFD Hind Handa Judy and Jana "Double orN'thlng Double or N'thiuf Like a Millionaire Millionaire Son as "Newt: Markets Road of Ufa Cedric Poster World New Bear Theater BtarThsajar Numbt Take a Numbrr News-Ban ta Turntable Matinee Turn labia Matin re Matin ae: Nrwa Turntable Matin as Turntable Matinee Paul Haney Hare A There Day Dream Iny Day Die amine RandeiToui Nawa Mary Marlin Evelyn Wlntsn 3 00 3:13 1:30 34S Johnny WUla Parry Mama Hors Drake rtghisr Day UllUtop House Mary Manning Gerry's Kitchen Pepper Young Garry's Kitchen Bight to Ha'plneae B1 Slater Backstage Wife Ms Perkins Stalls Dallas Dr Malone Wlddar Brows Guiding Light Woman In House Just PlalB BUI Prang P'gv Lorttuo Johnny Shoi Star Reporter Hews Hewe Bob Crawford Blur Household Hite House bold Hits Household Hits Household Hlu Valiant Lady Marriage for Two Kaden Family Pony Express HOUSTON Nov 22 CP) A second Lamar High School student was near death today in the wake of a school ground explosion of a chemical mixture The blast killed one boy and injured three David Dillman 18 vice president of Lamar's Junior Academy of Science was unconscious and reported in a very critical condition Physicians said he suffered a skull fracture and internal injuries bums and cuts Killed in the explosion of a mixture one of the survivors said 1 was of chemicals which the boya hoped to use in making rocket fuel was Ted A Strong Jr 17 son of Mr ant Mrs Ted A Strong Sr Strong is an advertising salesman for the Houston Chronicle Also injured were William Calvin Montgomery 17 son of a former state representative and John Cramer Jr 17 Cramer told a reporter he and the dead boy Strong had mixed the chemicals in a half-pint pickle jar in the supply room of the school chemical laboratory He said they used red phosphorus magnesium potassium chlorate and strontium and hoped to develop a fuel for V2 rockets which would not bum out as fast as that they had read is being used now was an explosive mixture we made" Cramer continued red phosphorus is the stuff they use for striking matches It can ignite and explode by friction" He said he and Strong walked out of the building to where Dill-man and Montgomery were waiting for them in a car Strong was holding the bottle" Cramer said don't remember whether he shook it or not We came to the car and the other two boys got out Ted Strong got the bottle near the front fender and something happened I was lucky I was standing a little way back" 3:00 3:30 341 too 4:13 4:30 43 3:00 3:30 43 Doe Warren Doc Warren Doc Warren Santa Claui Newa Pony Express atory Tima Story Tints Green Hornet Oraen Hornet Clyde Beatty Beatty Fletcbar Big Jon parky rite Big Jon Sparky First rive Mark Trail Curt Maamy Victor Borta Hewe Sparta JAMES MASON aid) CEDRIC HARONICRE JESSICA TANDY DOUGUS-DARHEU-BfflicrT DRIVE-IN)THEATRE Ii jacksooIa)Chii crTt hiw7 FfegBr il ii i i 60 Friday 6 to Midnight at AOS 1:03 and 0:30 News Headlines Sports Newe Lone Ranter Lone Banter Beulab Jack Smith Sbow Club IS Hewe: porta Oeo Morian Show 1 Man's Pemllp Beatty-News Hewe Sports 00 KTRN World Newt Bid Grareoo Oabnl Heatter 343 SlArtlsbt BTUedg TOO PultotT Levta Jr 7:13 Ntweel: Nrwa TOO Newt Mystery 73 Havre Biehard Diamond Music Land USA RlchardDiamond Music Land USA Roy Rogers Show Roy Ropers Show Martin Lewis Martin Lewi Thia Ir Tour PHI Thu Ii Tour FBI Bl Time Bis Tima ft even if your heart were twice as big you couldn't 4 love it Oalo Harriett Otrie Harriet Mr Dutrtet AM) Mr DA Roll Call Paul Weston Runyon Theatt Paul Weston Runyon Theatl Roht Wiwwti Bob 13 Bout W'xworke Box 13 1:00 Money for Murie Money for Murio 0:30 Money for MuNe 3:43 Monry for Mutts too Newe Sports Desk 0:30 Band Review 3:43 Band Review Madina Square W'itTn Bra D'nce Ben Johnson Oerden Wsfiu BTn D'nce Ben Johnson £Bhta Sack Hurt Shew football in Mews Elmer Deris Beck Hurt Show sets forum 'Lrtnnual half-price sale! i weather lofflen 10:00 Newe 10:13 UN lUrhlKMl 10:30 Band Review 10:43 Review Newe Nrwe Hewe of World Texas Weather Serenade in Blue News Ed Muttow Last Five Dance Mocde football Prophet Penthouse Mute Penthouse Music Penthouse Music News Bifnorr Newa Orch Bergman Orch Noble's Orch Noble Newe Newe Dance Orchestra News Orch 81 (n Off 11 Band Review 11:13 Band Review 11:30 Band Review 113 Review News TECHNICOLOR k4 1 ivw sin! Va'jCS to Ciytt ki tV im Ck BOertae! i CHICKEN BASKETS 50c LANG'S CAFE Seventh and Brook phone z-eui Eight-Minute Kiss Leaves Texan Gasping for Breath CAIBO Nov 22 MV-Samla Gsmal the beauteous Egyptian dancer greeted her Texas Moslem today with what she described as longest kiss of my career" The Texas oil heir Sheppard King (whose adopted Moslem name is Abdullah) arrived plane and walked into the of his bride-to-be giving her nice surprise by saying you" in Arabic They plan to married here next Monday Wichita Men Granted Conditional Pardons AUSTIN Texas Nov 22 MV-Gov Allan Shivers has granted conditional pardon to Andrew Fleming Key who hai served eight months of a two-year sentence from Wichita County for attempted burglary Key was sentenced June 30 1951 Governor Shivers also granted conditional pardon to Clyde Lindsey for conviction in Nueces and Wichita Counties for one case of robbery by assault and one case of burglary Lindsey had served seven years and six months on a 10-year sentence VWjI CHltfA! NOW AN INItiSTAH I Ml A I 50 limited Hate ssfjr to For "soft -touch" hands thrilling to behold use famous Dorothy Perkins Weather Lotion This extra-rich skin lotion soothes smooths protects! Soaks in quickly never sticky or greasy delicately scented Buy it save half! RENFRO DRUG CO Eighth and Scott Dance Tonight! EfU Clote Hus Lakeside park Phase 14322 far teiiretiiai HtfBMi ri kYi TTT TODAY and TOMORROW XMASIGARDS towf MgA(3H John Wayne Martha Seott OF TRI WILDCATS ALSO COLOR CARTOON fits rcisViu LAST DAY Wild Bin Elliott In The Mon From Tumbleweeds' GAL'-S by arms a love be in very simple ceremony" At Sarnia's apartment King and his fiancee went into a clinch for the long kiss A witness to the tender scene laid he clocked the embrace et eight minutes after which King gasped: me breathe darling" The Texan said things now are up" with his wealthy piother who had threatened earlier to cut off hla inheritance if he married Sarnia The red-haired King told reporters he is going to be busy going through all the red tape that has to be cut before he can go through the wedding ceremony Monday But there was nothing to do it is a Moslem holiday and King Is convert to Islam On Saturday he plans to obtain the permission of the Egyptian interior ministry to marry Sarnia He and his bride-to-be conferred with their lawyer today end King said la He has with him the divorce papers showing he recently obtained a divorce from his wife Gloria in Juanez Mexico It was the second time he divorced Gloria Torso and the Amazons' JOHNNY WEISSMULLER CARTOON end SERIAL rpBDT33mi Home Demo Clubs Feed Service Men Wichita County Home Demonstration Clubs planned prepared and served Thanksgiving buffet supper at the USO to Sheppard Air Force Base personnel Thursday night The dinner complete to ham turkey all the trimmings and plenty of home-cooked pies was served from two tables an either side of the building Miss Cathiyn Sand county home demonstration agent was in charge of over-all arrangements Hosts and hosteues included Mr and Mra Frank Hall Mr and Mrs Jack Marshall and Mesdamea Melvin Pace Bill Moser Llndon Jordan Ray Strawn Spencer Dude Gilbert Gale Lowrance Bowman Reb Huggins and Jim Bryant The dinner was followed by a formal dance for which the Sheppard Stardust ers played Club providing food were Bar-wise Beaver Creek City View Cooper Eastland Enterprise Hill-crest Kadane Comer Midway Park Area Ray Massey South Electra and Wichita Valley Farms VTTtti See Harley Davidson Phone 2-71 Open Staru at In-Car Hraiora for Your Winter-Time Comfort Last Times Harry Mlse These lUb! r) RONALD COLMAN Phone 2-6954 905 Indians Poe ReeoadlUoned Mntoreeele BarsnUu Open rounder Nieht nu Ooorenlent Term a Oenulne Parte Reliable Berries Modern PKlUUae 100 MTes Par Oal Ion Guaranteed 813 Ohio Street Ann BLYTH David FARRAR Pv ilg I aum hoim 3333 'JWT1PM msL uBUES Phone Mill-Open 6:00 StarU at 6:30 TONIGHT ONLY! Do Iuxe Feature Plus 35 Minutes Shorts 60c Per Carlood 60c Weather Data 8 WM'her Bureau at Hall Field report the following temperature extreme! and precipitation data in deng-noted el ties for the 34-hour period ending at IJO ThunOa) Back to Those Dishes Is Hunter's Opinion ITHACA Nov 22 V-A woman's place is in the home Policeman Joseph Humble told his wife at 6 a today when he went hunting At 7 a Mrs Humble shouldered a gun and went out to try her luck At 7:30 a she bagged an right-point 175-pound deer At 6 her husband returned empty-hended DANCE TONIGHT AND EVERY NIGHT IKinsI Sendnf) DOORS OPIN 7:43 DAN SAVAOt'S jeCHIITRA Ladlea Half 20 Pr Bp( i 20 ekt SOIDIERS THREE uj? 1 Holltlanl rius 35 Minutes of Cartoons 1 Rainmakers 2 Hound for Trouble 3 Heep Hep Injuns 4 Cct Rich Quick i vhm nHI ofDSI mRYDI mKlfin WOMEN WANTED MhaWlalimtlaMnn la Una Ca 01mm Om hall Dar 'St 0 A 0 NIS business couegi SfkMta SoBk Pagan 1 eh back AmHBs L981) oount i DRAMA! COMEDY! LAST TIMES! (Opens 6:00 SUrta 7:00) "Sock Privates" With Bud ABBOTT Lou COSTELLO SCRIiN NO 1 toMDSte'or OoODBYISrlANCY SCRIIN NO 1 "LIFE WITH FATHER" With WM POWELL Peradite" Celar Carteea HOLDS THE DOLL OF YOUR CHOICE TILL DEC 19 Virginia MAYO gifty" FENCE And OONAMINTM MON Cril Ue In Free Irieiin Phone 2-4723 2-4704 USB leenriv DHw TWO REEL COMEDY ALSO CARTOON 1101 OHIO PhV2-1103 Capture the heart of your little girl with one of the lovely Pie-Male Dolls now on display With only a dollar deposit you have until December 1 9 to pa jr the balance They have Saran heir that can be washed combed or "permanent waved' Chignon included Molded entirely of almost unbreakable plastic with life-like features sleeping eyes reel lashes Movable head aims and legs Beautifully clothed 48GH3894 (Left) $798 48GH3895 (Right) $891 HEY Look What Cooked Upl A THANKSGIVING SPECIAL MUSIC! EXCITEMENT! TONIGHT! Phono 4436 Opens SUrta 0:30 M-6-M mnical gt Prfces do not include Dnarparfafiou charge ASK FOR A LIBRARY FALL AND WINTER CATALOG ALL CARTOON KIDDIE SHOW Sol Morn 10:00 a BEAKV TaUAMRIOOn STATE OfEUZZARPl ABTflfll ANGLE JUNOU Cslar Carleee MICKEY ROONEY.
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